Here are some of the materials from the 2017 conference in alphabetical order of the presenters:

Bird Waddington, J.: Preventing Homelessness the SF way

Blockland, L., Rienks, S., Röhrig, P., Scheinecker, M: SF work with conflicts

Burgstaller, S.: 10 things sf workers should know to do to help organisations shift gear

Chan, J.: Reintegration of Institutionalized Youths Article

Chan, J.: Reintegration of Institutionalized Youths Slides

Chan, J.: Reintegration of Institutionalized Youths Audio

Choy, E.: Teacher Renewal

Christiansen, J.: Staff development dialogues

Cziffra-Bergs, J: SF strength rebriefing not trauma debriefing

Kalenberg, J., Herz, M. & Herz S.: How a German family owned etching company adopted SF

Kalenberg, J.: SF-I just do it

Knezic, D. & Langer, S.: Short-term SF Group Intervention for Syrian Refugee Torture Survivors-web

Levendel, Aron, Tegyi, Ekikö: Room the bloom

McKergow, M.: Stretching the world — a friendly explanation of SF practice

Ping, Y.: Yi Ping

Schenck, K.: Meta for Solutions

Schwab, M.: Wittgenstein and deShazer

Sundmann, P., Schwab, M., Wolf, F., van der Hoorn, S., Wheeler, J., Cabie, M.-C.: Theory of SF practice

Wells, J.,  van Goor, S., Shennan, G.: The Music Conversation

Wulf, A.: The digital diary

Wulf, A.: How to stay brief in longterm collaboration