The SF world conference 2022: Cancelled 

The next SF world conference should have taken place in  September 2022 under the aegis of EBTA. The last conference in 2018 had 350 participants from over 30 countries, all continents except Antarctica with over 20 scholarships awarded. It was a great success — if you want to see impressions please go to our “my sparkling moments” page.

We aimed to

bring together Solution Focused practitioners from all over the world and from all applications of Solution Focus: therapy, organizational work, education, social work, etc. We want to be as inclusive of all SF practitioners and their organizations and networks as possible to facilitate learning, exchange, mutual support, and the further development of Solution Focused practice all over the world. Our vision for the conference is to provide a safe and vibrant space for the wonderful diversity of our community and anyone who is curious or interested in the SF approach — we would love to have you. We want to honor the SF roots in Milwaukee and envision together what the future is bringing to us. 

 Sadly, we came to the conclusion that under current circumstances we choose to cancel the event.

Here is a communication from the organizers:

“The organizing committee met in November 21 and discussed the status of the planning. To allow the world wide Community to meet, this is the time when colleagues from outside of Europe should be able to book the journey. As we carefully watch the pandemic situation we are aware that for too many parts of the world it’s not possible to make decisions about travelling next September now.

On top, our venue is about to change the owner beginning 2022, and this would force us to recalculate the costs – without knowing the new style and level of service which will be the new standard.

With some sadness, we decided to cancel our planned event. While discussing this, we also expressed our understanding that with so many travel restrictions and with our awareness of the climate emergency we all might want to rethink our travel decisions.  

We hope that without this meeting we as a community still find ways and courage to innovate new forms of community connections. We are happy to see emerging formats of online gatherings (one of them is a real worldwide event, SF24) and worldwide collaboration around the SF world day, 3rd of May, every year. Maybe, meeting locally with a strong virtual connection to the people worldwide is a good way to continue taking care of our approach.

Thank you again for the thoughts you invested in proposing a contribution or considering to come, and wishing you meaningful ways of dealing with our times.

Best regards, the organizing team!”

If you have any questions, please contact Kirsten at [email protected]



Supporting Organizations

So far, the conference is supported by the following organizations and networks. Each organization or network is represented by one member in the organizing team. Please let us know if your network or association would like to join in and support us.

  • SOLworld (Solutions in Organizations Linkup)
  • EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association)
  • AASFBT (Australasian Association for Solution Focused Brief Therapy)
  • UKASFP (United Kingdom Association for Solution Focused Practice)
  • SFIO (Association for solution focus in organizations)
  • Ratkes (Finnish SF organization)
  • SFLK (Swedish SF organization)
  • NLA (Swiss SF Organization)
  • SF Egyesület (Hungarian SF Organization)
  • SFBTA (Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association)