Workshop: From personal to local economy development ─ a case study
Judit Katonáné Kovács, Katalin Hankovszky
This case study catches the differences an SF practitioner can make and shows, how developing SF on personal level can generate progress not only on personal, but enterprise and even local economy level. The place of the case is Central Eastern Europe and the study is based on a documented auto-ethnographic journey.
In economics human capital is an important resource of development but measurement of human capital is limited. What is the essence of human capital? What happens if we focus development from funding to learning? Where is the balance of studying the world and studying ourselves, between pull and push type of learning? Is there any relation between SF thinking and active citizenship? If we could have statistics about the percentage of SF acting people in a country, would higher number of SF actors result a better country?
In this workshop we show the results of the case study and highlight the fields of impact of Judit as SF practitioner in her home town in order to answer the above questions. We also create a learning space to get ideas and experience from the participants, how SF helps in practice along different sectors of society – in education, in business, in government, in civil sector.
Judit Katonáné Kovács is a mother of three sons. Family gives harmony and a strong basis for her life. Entrepreneurship stands in the focus of her work, special regard to self and community development. She is an assistant professor and team coach at University of Debrecen, Hungary. She is the curator of TEDxDebrecen, co-founder of Innovative Generation program and DebrecenHUB community office. Her vocation is coaching. In 2015 they have created the Debrecen Coach Club.
Her motto is: With respons-ability, give space for yourself!
Katalin Hankovszky Christiansen is a passionate collector of examples of Solution Focused work. After being SF practitioner herself for two decades, she’s on the challenging road of her PhD studies.
for SF beginners, for SF practitioners, for SF pros and superheros