Workshop: “With a little help from my friends”



Herman Prüst

Extended bodily cognition in SFBT.
The discussions between Eve Lipchik and Steve the Shazer about paying attention to emotions in Sf conversations made me think about using emotions and body in SFBT. This also happened noticing that almost all of the trainees in my courses find it very difficult to stay with their clients when experiencing themselves bodily and emotional reactions. Guy Shennans lecture in 2016 about extended bodily cognition opened more possibilities to incorporate bodily interventions in SF conversations.
This workshop is about a. experiencing bodily reactions more general in conversations, b. in experiencing and delivering literally bodily support and c. the possibilities and effects of bodily interventions in SFBT. The workshops contains exercises both individually and in couples and moments of reflection on effects and possibilities.

Herman Prüst is psychomotor therapist and a passionate dancer for more than 20 years. Since 2006 he works SF and he has constructed a Solution Focused Psychomotor therapy using exercises, sports and games so clients are more able to make the first or the next small steps. Since 2009 he also works as SF trainer and is using body oriented elements in his courses.

for SF beginners, for SF practitioners, for SF pros and superheros