Workshop: The Music Question


Sander van Goor, Guy Shennan, Jonas Wells

How to use listening to music in solution-focused therapy, coaching and training.

Which songs have helped you through a difficult time? Are there songs that represent hopes of yours for the future? Which music reminds you of somebody who is very important to you? Do you have a musical hero, someone you admire for his or her music. What is it that you admire? Do you recognize this in yourself? Shall we listen to that song together?
For many people music is important in their lives. This workshop is about how you can use your clients’ preferences for music in your therapy or coaching sessions. You will learn how to use listening to music to find resources, strengths and the preferred futures of your clients.

We offer exercises, theory and we want to share ours and yours experiences. Maybe you have already used listening to music in your own practice.
Sander van Goor, Guy Shennan and Jonas Wells are working on a book about this topic. We all have a passion for music and know how important it can be in others’ lives. Sharing music, listening together and talking about it can be very useful for solution-focused practice too.

Sander van Goor is a solution focused music therapist and studies at Korzibsky Institute in Bruge. He is developing solution-focused music therapy, Safe and Sound (SF music therapy and trauma) and the Music Question. He is very delighted to work together with Guy Shennan and Jonas Wells on the Music Question. Listening to music with clients is an important part of his work. It’s absolutely very special to share music and see what it can mean to people. Sander’s favourite solution-focused song at the moment is “Trouble you can’t fool me” by Ry Cooder.

Guy Shennan is a solution-focused practitioner, trainer, philosopher and music listener. Having been part of a musical duo with Jonas Wells, he is delighted that this is extending to a trio with Sander. Guy’s favourite solution-focused song at the time of writing is Feeling Good Is Good Enough by Matthew E. White, but this will probably have changed by the time of the conference.

Jonas Wells is crazy in love with music, solution focus and coordination in the public sector. He works in Sweden as a manager of a Coordination Agency and a developer/trainer of the National Network of Coordination Agencies. He curates the Solution Focus playlist on Spotify and with a little help from my friends, the list has 513 songs to date and counting.

for SF beginners, for SF practitioners, for SF pros and superheros