Workshop: Solution-focused Reflecting Team
Marc Gardiner
In a solution-focused reflecting team (SFRT), the group works together to assist one member in finding ways forward re a work-related issue of concern. As well as being entirely solution-focused, the reflecting team promotes excellent team culture in that it promotes equality of voice, with all members having equal opportunity to contribute, and a structure that gives all a chance to think.
There are 6 phases: preparation, presentation, clarification, affirmation, reflection, and closing.
In this workshop I will:
(a) deliver a presentation on the SFRT: its origins in family therapy, what works in an SFRT, and the detail of each of the phases
(b) facilitate the process, so that the group can focus entirely on the matter presented, whilst experiencing the process as it develops
(c) offer reflections and coaching as and when necessary throughout the session
The workshop concludes with a reflective discussion on the SFRT, including the opportunity for participants to think about how they might incorporate it into their team / organisation.
Marc Gardiner has worked in social care and community work in Plymouth, UK, for 28 years. Initially a drug counsellor and then trained in family therapy, he has worked mostly outside formal psychotherapeutic contexts, e.g. managing mental health services (introducing solution-focused approaches in a national charity as a key element in its strategy to introduce a recovery culture), leading and developing youth & community groups, and – since 2003 – co-running Zebra Collective. Zebra’s core value is sustainable social justice, and we find that operating as a solution-focused organisation internally, as well as grounding all our work (e.g. equality, inclusion & challenging discrimination training & consultancy; community development) in the approach, produces real and lasting changes as well as providing an excellent working environment for the team.
Marc leads Zebra’s solution-focused training and consultancy. E.g. We’re currently leading a major 2-year programme to achieve solution-focused culture change in Plymouth’s homeless services, aiming to improve constructive engagement with those most marginalised. This is a broad-reaching programme, working on staff mindsets & skills, paperwork & processes, and organisational culture.
We have run 3 regional solution-focused conferences since 2011, and since 2008 we have run quarterly SF CPD sessions across the region.
for SF beginners, for SF practitioners, for SF pros and superheros