SF in organisations: 4 solution focused competencies


Irene Lansdaal & Cora Hagen

What helps you to work with a solution focus in organisations? SF originated in therapy. It is custom built for a situation with a therapist and a client who comes in from time to time. Working as for example a consultant, a kind of expert, manager or as a colleague is a different matter. What to do and what not to do is not so clear. What if you still want to work as solution focused as possible?

In this workshop we will explain and work with the 4sfc model (sfc = solution focused competencies). This model was originally designed by Gwenda Schlundt Bodien en Coert Visser, both Dutch long standing specialists in SF. We have modified the model somewhat, use it ourselves and teach it to others.

But what does this model do? It helps you:

  • to identify the differences in situations at work and make better choices in SF interventions
    to give better advice (for some people part of their job ; ) and with a better chance of your advice getting accepted
    to respectfully and effectively influence the behaviour of your employees or suppliers.

A bit abstract still? You will have to come and see…

Irene Lansdaal & Cora Hagen

Cora Hagen and Irene Lansdaal are the owners of Solvitas, a dutch SF trainingcompany. They teach professionals (non-therapists) how to use the solution focused approach at work. In Holland their yearly training in SF (also with Fredrike Bannink, Anton Stellamans, Mirjam Le Fevere de ten Hove a.o.) is well known. They also teach incompany and do SF teamcoaching.

Irene Lansdaal (42) is the founder of Solvitas. She trains managers, advisors, teachers, coaches and social workers how to work solution focused. Irene: “The 4sfc model helps in situations outside of the therapy/coaching practice. What do you do if you want to work solution focused but get paid for giving advice? How to be solution focused when you have an employee who is not functioning well? This asks for different skills and language. Inspiring and challenging to find our solution focused way in these situations!”

Cora Hagen (48) is an economist and was an HR professional for a large part of her career. She converted ; ) to SF about ten years ago and is very grateful for it. She can still be amazed and thrilled by this methods’ simplicity – although not easy – and effectiveness

for SF beginners, for SF practitioners, for SF pros and superheros