Workshop: SF experience in Hungarian Roma Settlements

Viktória Sőregi, Árpád Bárnai

Our program called “From Us To You” is an experiential learning process inspired by solution focus. Our participants are youngsters from poor Roma neighborhoods or foster homes. They come together for the period of six months to develop a voluntary program relying on their own resources throughout the process.

In this workshop participants will get a first-hand experience of how we work in our program, what tools we use to invite the youngsters to be active participants and creators of the learning process.

One of the aims of the workshop is to give participants a personal experience on how we co-created this learning experience with our Roma participants and how Solution Focus influenced our way of working.
Further aims are to answer the participants’ questions that arise throughout the process, and to open up space for personal dialogue about the role of solutions focus, reinforcing learning environment in experiential learning programs.